
“KOOZA is about human connection and the world of duality, good and bad. The tone is fun and funny, light and open. The show doesn’t take itself too seriously, but it’s very much about ideas, too.”

Now on Tour

Join us on an unforgettable journey! Discover the dates and locations where KOOZA will come to life, and get ready for an experience like no other.


The World of KOOZA

Welcome to our blog, where we dive into the captivating world of KOOZA! Discover the secrets behind our artists, costumes, props, stage, music, and more, as we take you on a behind-the-scenes journey.

Making of KOOZA

Delve behind-the-scenes of KOOZA by Cirque du Soleil. Through our web series, explore how this production crafts a universe filled with color, wonder, and infinite possibilities!

Media Spotlight

Discover what critics are saying about our show! Here are reviews and insights that highlight the magic and artistry of KOOZA.

“I screamed and then I thought I might faint for a second. You can’t beat that for entertainment.”

“It really does feel like you’re watching humans achieve the capacity to fly.”

“Stunning…it’s wacky, it’s the circus, it’s the vibe.”

The Creative Team

Meet the creative minds behind KOOZA! From the visionary director to the talented designers, each member plays a crucial role in bringing awe to the stage.

Frequently asked questions about KOOZA

Got questions? Explore our FAQ for quick answers to your questions!


125 Mins

How long is KOOZA?

KOOZA is 125 minutes long, including a 25 minute intermission.

Is KOOZA appropriate for kids?

KOOZA is meant to entertain the whole family. Please note, the performance contains loud noises, and moments with no lighting.

Where can I get KOOZA merchandise?

KOOZA merchandise is available at the boutique inside the Concession tent.

Does the show include strobe lights?

Yes - KOOZA contains flashing lights and may cause difficulties for people with photosensitive epilepsy.

What does KOOZA mean ?

The name KOOZA is inspired by the Sanskrit word “koza,” which means “box,” “chest” or “treasure,” and was chosen for this show because one of the underlying concepts of the production is the idea of a “circus in a box.”